For Sale:
Kero heater. Asking for $60. 712-957-6355
A large and small snowblower. Both are in good shape; Round bales of alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuts available. All reasonably priced and all good, quality hay; wind breaker. It is brand new as it has never been used. Asking for $150 obo. 540-7479
Ice auger with a heater to go in the ice shack for ice fishing. 348-5101
Kerosene heater. It is brand new as it has never been used. $60 obo. 957-6355
Three gold pieces. 395-0165
Gun collection. 395-0165
Knowledge Nugget:
Mozart composed his first symphony at the age of 8 in 1764. By then he was already known in Europe is a child prodigy.