For Sale:

10″ TV with remote. Good for a small college dorm room, or bed room. $10 obo. 712-578-1332
Foodie Friday:
It’s National Peanut Brittle Day! Here is a little history about peanut brittle:
Peanut brittle is beloved by many, both young and old. There’s something addicting in that salty-sweet crunch that keeps people coming back time and time again. But did you know that this popular treat may very well be an American invention? That’s right. And an American folk hero of yore may have helped garner its fame. In fact, peanut brittle’s place in American pop culture is certainly an established one.
There are almost as many stories about the creation of peanut brittle as there are recipes for how to make it. While numerous cultures have been whipping up nut and syrup creations for centuries, it’s very likely that the peanut brittle we know and love is American in origin.
Legend tells us that around the year 1890, a Southern woman created peanut brittle by mistake. Apparently she was making taffy when she added baking soda instead of cream of tartar. However, not wanting to waste the ingredients, she continued cooking it, resulting in a crunchy brittle instead of a chewy taffy.
Another version of the tale, also Southern in origin, credits fabled hero Tony Beaver with the birth of the brittle.