For Marketplace Plus:
Two cockatiels with cage and toys.
For Sale:
Almond colored electric stove. 712-470-3527
Auctioneer ticket file box. Pre-numbered 1-240 horizontal slots. Made of walnut, double hinged box with brass hardware and luggage handle. Like new condition. Asking for $125. 507-360-0654
Mature Muscovy ducks 712-470-0348
Demco brand autoslide 5th wheel camper hitch and mounting hardware. Asking for $1,050 obo. Also for sale, an entertainment center. Asking for $100 obo. Also for sale, around 275 square feet of laminate flooring. Asking for $275 obo. For more information, please call or text 712-470-5472
Havapoo dog. It is female, it is very active, loves toys and is looking for an energetic household. 712-261-4131
Amana Radorange microwave, Asking for $30. 712-720-7379
Washer and dryer. Whirlpool brand. Asking for $170 for the set. 507-841-0344 and please call after 4 p.m. Located near Lake Okoboji
Small square hay bales, small square straw bales, firewood, and 5-ton wagon gear. 712-344-9185
Old Maytag washer. 712-441-3129
Free farm cats. They are all 1 year old and mostly white in color. 712-720-7397
Knowledge Nugget:
On January 24, 1935, it was the first time beer was sold in cans.
The Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company, in collaboration with the American Can Company, introduced Krueger’s Finest Beer in Krueger’s Cream Ale in cans to the public in Richmond, Virginia.