For Marketplace Plus:

Steele T-posts. 441-7041
Large Sway Belly Mower. It is 6 feet wide. 712-320-0060
25-30 wooden posts. They are used. They are between 6 and 8 feet long. 712-441-3434 and ask for Todd
A shield for a Mows-All lawn mower. Should be 22″. 712-472-3811
Used riding lawn mower. It should not be too large. Will pay cash. Should be 42″ to a 46″ cut. 1-507-370-3380
Lost and Found:
Lost: A set of padlock keys near the south end of Sheldon and near the hospital. It has a square metal gauge on it along with about 20 keys. If found, please call Cory Vaselaar at 712-348-6919
Garage Sale:
Yard sale on 722 Washington Ave. in Sheldon today and tomorrow starting at 2:00 p.m. and will be open as long as there is business. It will be open Saturday at 8:30 a.m. and will remain open as long as there is business. There are lots of unused gifts, $5 books and selling a lot of other things cheap.
Knowledge Nugget:
The average adult will spend 416 days in the bathroom. Men will spend 373 day using the bathroom (about 23 minutes a day) and women will use the bathroom 456 day, typically for 29 minutes a day.