KIWA Marketplace for July 22

For Marketplace Plus:

2017 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail Classic.

For Sale:

SanSpa 5-star walk-in tub. Used less than a year. All faucets, shower head and drain attachment. Asking for $800 obo. 1-712-229-9253


Parts for an IH 4,000 self-propelled wind rower; Also, a Demco 550 or 650 gravity wagon. Can be green, or red. 540-7479

Hymn book for an accordian. 712-472-3811

Knowledge Nugget:

There are three birds that are capable of producing milk to help feed their young. They are pigeons, flamingos and male emperor penguins.


KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

KIWA Marketplace for March 4th

For Sale: Fire starters, fishing sinkers and glass insulators for phone polls. 324-3005 Wanted: PTO pump. 712-461-1451 Knowledge Nugget: A survey

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