For Sale:

Hood and right front fender for a 1980 Chevy pickup. 712-348-5937
SanSpa 5-star walk-in tub. Used for less than a year. Comes with all faucets, shower head and drain attachment. Asking for $800 obo. 1-712-229-9253
Someone to paint the outside of a house. 324-1343
Parts for an IH 4,000 self-propelled wind rower. Also wanted, a Demco 550, or 650 gravity wagon. Can be green, or red. 540-7479
Lost and Found:
Found: A large power tool at the intersection of 16th Street and Old Highway 60. Call to identify at 1-712-230-0636
Knowledge Nugget:
The rings of blue, black, yellow, red and green in the Olympic symbol traditionally represent to five different areas of the world involved in the Olympics. North and South America are considered one area along with Africa, Australia, Asia and Europe.