For Sale:

Wire corn cribbing panels for a chicken coop, or dog runs. Also for sale, a backyard chicken coop. 712-470-0348
100 good Morgan Silver dollars and 30 Indian Gold pieces. 395-0165
4-foot by 8-foot New Way utility trailer. It comes with 1 1/2″ plastic decking as well as trailer lights. It is also 800 pounds. Asking for $50. 712-541-9846 and it is located in Sibley.
Three kittens to a good home. They are around three to 10 months old. 720-7397
Teddy Bear puppies and a 16-foot Torro Finishing mower. 441-5495
265 75R 16″ tires; Wash line poles; 5-ton wagon gear and firewood. 344-9185
Gun collection and/or a 7 1/4″ Stetson cowboy hat. 395-0165
Good used washing machine. Will pay up to $100. 712-344-2141
Knowledge Nugget:
After passing their driving test, it takes someone just 10 weeks to become a bad driver. A study of 2,000 car owners found the average new road user lets bad habits creep in less than three months after getting their driver’s license.
The two things we do almost immediately are not holding the steering wheel in the correct position and failing to check our mirrors every time we make a lane change. That said, only 40 percent of women and 32 percent of men think they have bad driving habits.