For Marketplace Plus:
For Sale:

1974 John Deere 112 garden tractor-mower. It does need work, but the fiber glass is not cracked. $475 obo. 712-296-3733.
Antique New Holm sewing machine. 712-470-0348.
Pair of tractor tires for a tractor. They are 15.5 x 38 with tubes. Asking for $200. 540-7479
2008 GMC Sierra SLE 4-wheel drive pickup hub cab. Comes with a diesel engine, has 125,000 miles on it, new tires and a 6-speed transmission. 712-320-0600.
Complete set of Liberty 1/2 dollars and five 10 ounce gold pieces. 230-0238
For Rent: 10×28 storage unit. It will be available by the first of August. It also has electricity. 348-5101
Mower conditioner, or something for bailing alfalfa hay. 540-7479
Knowledge Nugget:
The word robot was introduced in 1920 in a play by Karel Capek called R.U.R, or Rossum’s Universal Robots. Robot comes from the Czech word robota, meaning forced labor or drudgery. In the play, human-like creatures produced in Rossum’s factory are docile slaves.