For Sale:

Bail conveyer that is 24 feet long with a motor; also for sale a Seamen prepaid motor. It is a 100 HP motor. 712-320-0600.
Various Harley Davidson stuff. They include, but are not limited to a GM jacket that is XL; three women’s leather jackets that are all XL; men’s leather chaps that are XL; women’s large leather chaps that are size L. The chaps are all black. There are also two men’s all genuine leather vests that are XL and they are also all black. If you are interested in any of these items, please call 712-756-4264.
Lost and Found:
Lost: A set of padlock keys near the south end of Sheldon and near the hospital. It has a square metal gauge on it along with about 20 keys. If found, please call Cory Vaselaar at 712-348-6919.
Lost: A dog. Last seen in Little Rock on July 4th at 140th Street heading East towards Sibley. It’s a Black female Shitzu named Java and is wearing a pink collar with no tags. She is only 12 pounds, is friendly but timid. She got out with the loud fireworks. If found, please call Angela Spencer at 1-317-432-7922.
Knowledge Nugget:
A survey shows women are wearing men’s underwear. They survey says 1 in 10 women occasionally, or often wear men’s underwear because it’s more comfortable or “more practical” than women’s underwear.