KIWA Marketplace for June 10

For Sale:

Gale skid loader that is in good shape and has new tires; Ice Bear 3-wheel moped that is also in nice shape. 470-3527

3 Jersey bottle calves (bull calves). Phone 712-363-1666 or Text 712-363-1460.

Men’s white Niki golf shoes. They are size 11 1/2. Asking for $25. They are like new. Please call/text 712-348-1465

Farm fresh eggs selling for $2 a dozen. They are brown in color and located in Rock Rapids. can also have pickup in Hull, Sheldon or any other surrounding towns. Please call 712-348-2088

Piece of farm equipment. It is a John Deere rotary hoe. It is 15 feet wide with a 3-point hitch. It is in good shape. Asking for $600 obo. 540-7479

Two interior Golden Oak left hand swing doors. Asking for $20 for both. They come with jams. 470-0985

For rent: Two bedroom condo in Okoboji from August 4 to August 11. Also for rent: another two bedroom condo in Okoboji from July 13 to July 20. Please call 712-470-3592.


Chicken wire, or a coop for 7 to 8 ducks. 470-0985

A used working push mower. Call 1-712-363-0997 if you have anything like that to sell.


Free Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes due to moving abroad. It is one male and one female. They have excellent temperament, they are house trained, have very good trainable natures and are perfect for families with children and other pets. But we will not rehome to just anyone. Email us at, before texting at 1-980-353-7582

Knowledge Nugget:

Psychologists say we’re afraid of Sundays. “Sunday scaries” is that anxious feeling of dread many of us experience the night before the work week starts, or following a long holiday weekend. Psychologists say the transition from the weekend to the work week tends to be too abrupt for people who don’t give themselves enough time off. Some people will report headaches, or nausea.

A global poll conducted by career site found that 76 percent of people in the U.S. report having really bad Sunday night blues compared to 47 percent of people in other parts of the world.


KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can