For Marketplace Plus:
For Sale:

Self-propelled Husqavana mower 150. Call 712-470-2983
Three Jersey bottle calves (they are bull calves). Call 712-363-1666, or text 712-363-1460
2006 Yamaha gas golf cart. It is Emerald green with neon green accents. Tires are at 70 percent. It also comes with new belts and it recently got a new battery. It also had a fresh oil change and tune up. It also has a kit with air filters. The seats are also like new, The cart also has a new top and a tinted windshield. The cart also comes with a green LED light kit with ground effects. It’s an extremely sharp ride. Asking for $4,600 and it is located in Rock Rapids. Call 1-507-370-3380 and ask for Billy.
Gale skid loader that is in good shape and has new tires; Ice Bear 3-wheel moped that is in nice shape. 470-3527
Men’s white Niki golf shoes. They are size 11 ½. Asking for $25. They are like new. Please call/text 712-348-1465
Two free kittens. Call, or text, 712-348-1050 or 712-344-9055
Free Golden Retriever puppies to forever homes due to moving abroad. It is one male and one female. They have excellent temperament. They are house trained and have very good trainable natures, and are perfect for families with children and other pets. That said, the party notes they will not re-home to just anyone. Email the party at before texting at 1-980-353-7582
Knowledge Nugget:
Obesity is now so common, that over 40 percent of the world is overweight.