For Sale:

Portable air conditioner. Asking for $100. 324-3005 and leave a message.
Used roofing steel that is white in color. It measures 25 feet long by 32″ wide. It came off a machine shed roof. They are not rusted. Asking for $30 per sheet. 540-7479
Rentals: The first is a two-bedroom town house in Okoboji. The rental is open on July 6th. Also for rent, a two-bedroom lockout that is open on July 12th. Both are located on Village West in Okoboji. Call 712-470-3592
1993 fishing boat. It comes with a minn kota trolling motor, plus many more accessories. Asking for $5,000 obo. 461-1451.
Queen size mattress for free. It comes with a box and springs that are also free. 461-1451.
Knowledge Nugget:
A study has found that giving birth in a water bath does not increase the risk of complications for the baby, or its mother.