KIWA Marketplace For June 26th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

stadium chair- has a hook that catches stadium bench seat so you don’t rock back. Lightly used one season. $30 — 712-899-3898

New RV Supplies, New Wrangler Shorts – 38″ waist, Quality Fishing hats – medium and large, Men’s tools and toolboxes – power and hand tools, Paper Stock – Cover and inside pages; Christmas theme, Scripture booklets — 712-737-4092

Large Umbrella for Patio Table, 2 used 16″ Tires, and 2 used 15″ tires — 712-541-8047

2 Jersey steers, weighing around 450 pounds each — 712-363-1666

HD Car ramps 2.5 ton capacity, receiver hitch with ball for Chevy van 89-94, Sony hand cam recorder, washer wooden rolling pin clothes ringer, antique washboard, brand new submersible sump pump brand new in box — 712-461-0557

Instant Pot IP-LUX cooker. New-never used. 6 quarts, 12 one touch programs – $50.00 – 712-330-5138

2009 Silverado regular cab long box work truck. 200,000 miles runs drives great – $5400 – 712-631-0938

Semi load of Easter Decor, just need to pay trucking — 612-747-5110

1985 IROC Camaro, 46k miles, black and gold in color, lots of options and good rubber — 605-366-9030


dressers for kids rooms — 712-707-9936


Garage Sale:


KIWA Marketplace for February 10th

For Marketplace Plus: 4-, 6-, and 8-playher wahoo board games Ford Tractor 4.5-foot octagon tiki bar Eskimo 2-man thermal ice shack

KIWA Marketplace for February 6th

For Marketplace Plus: Antique black cast iron cook stove. BBQ wood smoker and grill Large hot tub Giveaway: Queen headboard and

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Shared Love Stories

Tis the season of love, and KIWA wants you to share your love story with our listeners. One lucky couple will