For Sale:

Boston Terrier puppy. 712-330-5138
50″ Land Pride 3-point finish mower. Asking for $850. 1-605-839-9722
Portable air conditioner. Asking for $100. 324-3005
Used roofing steel. It is white in color and it measures at 25 feet long by 32″ wide. They came off a machine shed roof. They are not rusted. Asking for $30 per sheet. 540-7479
Garage Sale/Giveaway:
Sheldon First Reformed Church is holding a free garage sale. Yes, every item is free. There will be free Bibles given out as well to those who need one. Cookies will also be served. Follow the signs in Sheldon to find the sale tomorrow (6-28-24) at First Reformed Church at 1101 7th Street here in Sheldon.
Knowledge Nugget:
Research shows that knitting and other forms of textile crafting, such as sewing, weaving and crocheting have a lot on common with mindfulness and meditation. All are reported to impact mind health and well-being positively.
In a survey of more than 3,545 knitters, the study found a significant relationship between the frequency of knitting and respondents’ perceived mood and feelings. Frequent knitters (as in those that knitted more than three times a week) were calmer, happier, less sad, less anxious and more confident.