For Sale:

Black horse saddle with some silver. It is in very, very nice shape. Located in Doon. 712-470-3527
Champion 3500 Watt portable generator. Asking for $275. 712-348-3923
Men’s White Niki golf shoes. They are size 11 1/2. Asking for $25. They are like new. Please call/text 712-348-1465
Lost and Found:
Found: A Contixo F-28 Pro drone between the City of Sheldon’s Wastewater plant and north of the Armory in a grassy field. Please contact KIWA radio at 712-324-2597, or email Please describe the item in order to claim it.
Garage Sale:
Garage sale happening today and tomorrow at 804 8th Street in Sheldon. The garage sale will have fishing, decorations, sporting goods, baby boy and girls’ stuff, two new gateway computers, airhead tubes and much, much more.
Multi family garage sale happening today from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; tomorrow from 9 a.m. to about 6 p.m. or as long as there is business and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. The garage sale will have home decor, glassware, children’s books, planters, vintage dolls and quilts, plus young adult and women’s and men’s clothes. Just lots of stuff. Tha garage sale is located on 1605 Oak Street in Sheldon.
Knowledge Nugget:
Scientists located the brain areas that may determine how sociable a person is.