For Marketplace Plus:
For Sale:

55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871
Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and has always been stored inside. Asking for $3,000 obo. 540-7479
Small square straw bales and hay bales, firewood, 5-ton wagon gear, a 1983 Ford van and a combine head mover. 712-344-9185
50 gold pieces and some rolls of silver. 395-0165
A few bred cows. 712-461-1365
Gun collection. Will be willing to trade gold, or silver for it. Also wanted, a 7 1/4″ Stetson cowboy hat. 395-0165
Knowlege Nugget:
In a survey of chefs, food historians, food writers/critics, and flavor chemists, pineapple on pizza was given the thumbs up by about half the group. The other half said pineapple should not go on pizza. The debate continues.