KIWA Marketplace for March 18th

For Marketplace Plus:

Ab lounger

Weather Tech mat for a Honda CR-V

For Sale:

IH #4800 field cultivator with drag. Asking for $4,000. 441-0823

A couple of pieces of farm equipment. First off for sale two gravity wagons. Both are in good shape and have good tires on them. They both come with 8-ton gears. Asking for $700 obo for each. Secondly for sale, 18-foot bale conveyer. Asking for $350. 540-7479

1,000-gallon Weatherall pull-type sprayer with 60-foot booms and electric shutoffs. Always shredded. Asking for $8,500. 712-261-1386


Right side mirror assembly for a ’99 Chevy Silverado with electric adjustment. 712-541-4435

Carboard egg cartons. Also wanted, candles to melt down. 324-3005


Free piano. It is in good condition. Pickup is in Hartley. 712-348-1415

Knowledge Nugget:

The gravity on the moon is about 17 percent of what it is on Earth. So, if you weigh 200 pounds on Earth, you will weigh 34 pounds on the moon.


KIWA Marketplace for March 12th

From Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs FOR SALE: 55 gallon steel barrels – 712-324-4871 IH #470 Disk, 19-feet wide with newer