KIWA Marketplace for March 21st

For Sale:

Round bales of alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th cuttings available. Good, quality hay. Also for sale, tractor duals for Case tractors. They come with 3 1/2″ axels and 10 bolt hubs. 540-7479

New Elite trailer. 32 feet long and 102 feet wide. Bought at $16,500, but asking for $15,500. Comes with a tandem axel. 712-798-9260

12 John Deere seed boxes that came off a John Deere #7000 planter. Two lids only. Asking for $75 each, but you must buy the whole lot. 712-348-1465

Small square hay bales, small square straw bales, 16-foot bale elevator, 5-ton wagon gear and a 1983 Ford van. 712-344-9185

IH #4800 field cultivator with drag. It is 24 feet wide. Asking for $4,000. 441-0823

Lift chair. It was $1,500 new, but selling for $1,200. 461-1451


Privacy fence. Also wanted, house bird. Preferably a canary. 712-320-1906

Used weight bench with weights included if someone has one they are no longer using. 712-541-4991

Foodie Friday:

It’s National California Strawberry Day!

California strawberries are known for their exceptional flavor and sweetness. They are grown in California’s coastal regions with sunny days and cool nights, and they are a major part of the U.S. strawberry industry as California strawberries produce 90 percent of the strawberry industry.

To celebrate not only the day, but also the fact we are officially in spring, don’t be afraid to make a strawberry shortcake.


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