KIWA Marketplace For March 24th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

50cc Suzuki dirt bike with training wheels, and Dee Zee pick up tool box — 712-395-1045

Garden Tools – $25 for the set – 712-324-1500

Demco walking lawn sprayer. 5 gal capacity. Good condition. $20.00 Call – 712-348-1240 or 712-754-3688

Craftsman Pressure Washer. 2550 PSI, 2.3GPM, Used very little. $100.00. Call – 712-348-1240 or 712-754-3688

A pair of 15.5×38 tires and tubes, will separate — 515-360-5175 in Ashton

2 baby doll full grown sheep, buck and ew — 712-461-2504

Ammo for sale in NW Iowa 5.56, 22 LR, 22 WMR (magnum)
5.56: Military grade “green tip” with nato marks, Federal 62 gr, steel core light armor piercing FMJ (lake City mfg.) Have several thousand rounds available.
.22 long Rifle: Winchester 36 gr. copper coated hollow points, various box sizes.
.22 Magnum WMR CCI Maxi-Mag 40 gr. JHP (Troy Landry swamp people packaging) 200 rds per brick.
45 long Colt; Winchester silver tip 225 grain hollow points (2) boxes of 20 rounds each.
Ammo is being sold by the brick/box, except the 5.56 that is by the round.
PH 712-737-3462 between 4-7 evenings anytime on weekends.

2008 150cc scooter,2300 actual miles, good plastic, new battery, runs good. 700.00 obo call or text 712-324-1316

25 gallon spray with 10 ft spray boom and hand sprayer with new 2.1 gallon pump – $210 – 605-929-9583

Solid walnut drop leaf dining table. It comes with 4 inserts so when extended it will seat 8 to 10 people. With end drop leaves down it measures approximately 30 X 36 inches. Asking $75. Located in Sheldon. Call (712)348-1287


500 gallon diesel barrel with or without electric pump, 16.9×38 tractor tires suitable for duels 540-7479

03-04 Toyota Corolla — 712-320-1906

Electric Lift Chair — 712-348-1277



KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can