KIWA Marketplace for March 26th

For Sale:

Multiple items: First for sale small gravity wagons with 8-ton gear. Secondly for sale, used steel for fences or buildings and thirdly for sale, other pieces of steel that are about 8 feet in length. 540-7479

Buff Orpington roosters. 712-470-0348


Older glass marbles. 712-448-2098

Good used steel. The color does not matter as it will get painted, but it should be 8 feet long at the longest. 470-0985

Knowledge Nugget:

A survey of parents of young children reveled that 75 percent of them do not have time to read their child a bedtime story.


KIWA Marketplace for March 28th

For Marketplace Plus: Yamaha 2013 YW50 moped Yamaha 2017 YW50 moped Auctioneer ticket file box Crib and changing table For Sale:

KIWA Marketplace for March 27th

For Marketplace Plus: Auctioneer ticket file box Crib and changing table For Sale: 14-foot long fishing boat with a 15 HP

KIWA Marketplace for March 25th

For Sale: Buff Orpington roosters. 712-470-0348 Small square grass hay bales, small square straw bales, 5-ton wagon gear, wash line poles