For Marketplace Plus:
1 white faced and 2 pearl cockatiel’s.
For Sale:

Sudenga grain auger. It is 61 feet long and 8″ in diameter. It has rarely been used. Asking for $1,200 obo; Barecat grinder/mixer. $5,000 obo. It is in excellent condition. 712-540-7479
Metal toys ranging from a fire truck, road grater, grain trailer and an earth mover. 324-2994
Work bench, or a tool chest. It is currently in a garage. It is in very good shape. 441-2106
Treadmill, a near new sofa and an older chest with drawers. 324-4983.
John Deere garden tractor #330. 712-230-0060
Gas stove that can run on propane. 712-540-7479
Knowledge Nugget:
For years you’ve heard that if your phone gets wet, you should put it in a bag of rice. That might work with some phones, but not the iPhone. Apple has released an official paper stating that putting wet devices in a bag of rice could “allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.” Although, it does not go into further detail.
The company also recommended against using other well-known hacks, such as using an external heat source to dry the phone, or sticking a cotton swab into the connector.