KIWA Marketplace for March 7

For Sale:

IH #470 tandem disc. It has 22″ blades, is 21 feet wide and is in good shape; 30 sheets of white used steel. It came off a white roof. 25″ long in length. 712-540-7479


Electric chain saw with a long bar. 712-320-1906

1965 Dodge Cornett. The complete car, or parts. 712-461-1741

Knowledge Nugget:

According to data, early March is the beginning of the end for most New Year’s fitness resolutions. About nine weeks into their fitness journey, check-in data shows new gym members work out 50 percent less. This so called “fitness cliff” is this week.


KIWA Marketplace for January 31

For Marketplace Plus: 275 square feet of laminate flooring For Sale: Alfalfa hay. They are round bales. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and

KIWA Marketplace for January 30

For Marketplace Plus: 2014 H & H tandem axel cargo trailer For Sale: Around 275 square feet of laminate flooring. Asking

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