For Marketplace Plus:
For Sale:

50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165
Round bales of hay. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. Also for sale, strong barn galvanized steel. It is used. 540-7479
One, or two 14″ bias ply tires. 712-461-1741
Gun collection. Willing to trade gold, or silver for it. Also wanted, a Stetson 7 1/4″ cowboy hat. 395-0165
New Holland round baler with net wrap. Also wanted, gear box for a Sudenga truck auger. It should fit a PTO driven gear box. 540-7479
Foodie Friday:
It’s National Cereal Day!
The first manufactured breakfast cereal was Granula, which was created in 1863 by James Caleb Jackson.
That said, Corn Flakes was the first cereal to offer a box prize and Cherrios is the largest cereal brand in the United States.