KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
3 ton bulk bin schuld brand — 712-470-0348
White insulated 10 ft X 10 ft overhead garage door — 712-541-4238
band duels size 18-4 38 — 712-461-1266
Handmade Wahoo/Aggravation board games (4,6, and 8-player available) Also, make customized Cornhole game sets. — 712-578-1897
2017 Yamaha Zuma Moped. 939 one-owner miles-local. Very sharp and Excellent condition — 712-348-1466
Reclining couch good for a basement — 712-441-3400
2000 Dodge Durango – $1200 or best offer — 712-363-6573
2008 Ford F150 brown in color new tires — 712-360-0798
round bale feeders, 5 doubles, 1 single $300 for doubles, $200 for single, 1998 Jeep grand cherokee with blown head gasket — 712-348-0415
500 gallon diesel tank with electric pump, IH #1020 20 foot flex bean head — 712-540-7479
6 inch or 8 inch single bottom garden tractor plows — 712-230-0060
Hosta plants to split for transplant — 712-363-1892
used 4 door car $450 or less, a small freezer, queen size bed frame type that doesn’t need a box spring — 712-363-6573
DVD/VCR Combo — 712-578-1716
looking for small engine repair jobs. I fix lawnmowers, chainsaws, weedtrimmers, etc. I also sharpen chainsaw blades — 712-578-1897