For Marketplace Plus:
Baggalli purse and an Eufy vac.
For Sale:

Two Golden Oak interior doors. They are 32″ with left hand switch doors. They are $20 a piece. It also comes with a door end jam. Also for sale, a 2005 Harley Davidson Road King. We need to get rid of it. Please call and make a reasonable offer. 470-0985
Nearly new used electric scooter. It was purchased from Hometown Mobility. Asking for $1,000. Also for sale, a hitch ramp carrier for the scooter. Asking for $150. If you want both, the party is asking for $1,100. Pickup is in Lemars. 712-540-2390.
Very nice Lane cedar chest. Medium brown in color and is in excellent condition. It is located in Sheldon. 712-540-9196
1985 Chevy school bus that has been converted into an RV. It comes with two bathrooms. Also for sale, 2006 Ford F1-50. Text/call 712-869-0387
Knowledge Nugget:
A survey shows that the number of vacationing Americans will be up this summer.