KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
Gift Certificate to the Holiday Inn Express in Sheldon for 1 free night of lodging up to 4 people to the room – $120 value will sell for $60 tax included but expires June 30 2021 – 712-725-6031
xl igloo dog house $50 call or text 712-348-1425
Raw honey in Ireton area 6 different bottles to choose from, 6 wheel barrels full of apple wood – 712-278-2304
firewood and a 1992 Yamaha 4 wheeler – 1712-344-9185
Char Broil Electric Grill 3 years old very good shape, used very little $50, — 712-479-2610
John Deer LT180 Riding Mower with 42″ Deck, with 17hp engine — 712-461-1248
Outdoor portable propane fire pit $50, craftsman gas weed eater trimmer $40, Craftsman gas leafblower $35, black and decker electric hedge trimmer $20 — 324-3005
Billy Goat kids Nigerian dwarves — 461-2504
2004 Honda Shadow 26k miles, Westendorf WL40 Loader — 605-351-3626
Tower of ham radio/cb, 40 ft, in sections — 605-351-4057
4 drawer metal filing cabinet $25, Sentry safe $25 — 348-6730
commercial size espresso machine, walk behind sickle mower — 712-320-1906
dwarf baby bunny 605-413-6879
metal hose caddy with wheels 441-3400
Coin collection with silver and gold — 712-230-0238
steel T Posts — 712-441-7041