For Marketplace Plus:
For Sale:

Nitzsche Bean rider. Asking for $4,250 obo. 712-631-0506
15″ black show saddle that comes with matching breast color and blanket; Also for sale, 2015 3-wheel moped. It comes with lights, blinkers and break lights. It would be good for beginner riders, or elderly riders. It is located between Doon and Rock Valley. 712-470-3527
Two stainless steel hog feeders. 712-348-1593
New Idea nine-foot disc mower; John Deere rotary hoe; International front end weight and firewood for camping. 1-712-344-9185
A swing set with a slide. 324-1008
Rhubarb for cooking and/or baking. 712-635-3740
Garage Sale:
There is a big garage sale today at 505 Southern Street on Highway 18 in Boyden. A lot of antiques for sale. It is more of a man’s garage sale, but there are items for women as well. Open as long as there is business.
Foodie Friday:
It’s National Asparagus Day! Here are a couple facts about asparagus:
- Asparagus has been grown for thousands of years and was even depicted on Egyptian tombs dating from 400 B.C.
- According to writer and actor Stephen Fry in his autobiography, you should never pick asparagus after the third week in June. It’s not proper social etiquette as the plant needs to die down in order to build up its energy stores for the following year’s crop.
- It is called the “Usain Bolt” of the veggie world as the spears can grow a speedy 10 cm per day.