For Sale:

’91 Chevy with Four-Wheel drive. Comes with new parts. Asking for $2,000. Also for sale, a ’93 boat with 48 HP. Comes with a new trolling motor, new steering wheel and many more new parts. Asking for $5,800. 712-461-1451
Two 32″ left hand swing interior doors. They come with jams and asking for $20 each; Five horse power presser washer. It comes with a Honda motor and asking for $150; 2005 Harley Davidson Road King. Asking for $6,500 obo. 470-0985
1994 Sea Ray boat. It comes on a 2002 Shorelander trailer. Asking for $6,000. 712-470-3597
Nitzsche bean rider. It has new tires, comes with chains, a sprayer wand and carburetor. It was just serviced. Asking for $4,250 obo. 712-631-0506
Roll bar that is red in color with a white shade for an IH 766, or 966 tractor. 540-7479
Swing set with a slide. 324-1008
Rhubarb for cooking and baking. 712-635-3740
Knowledge Nugget:
Researchers say that stress may be the main cause of weight gain.