KIWA Marketplace for May 29

For Marketplace Plus:

Bernese Mountain dog pups

Cedar Chest

For Sale:

Semin 100 HP motor; 560 Farmall narrow front; 30-foot fifth wheel steel trailer; 13 bean saw bails. 712-344-9538

’91 Chevy four-wheel drive with new parts. Asking for $2,000. Also for sale by the same party, a ’93 boat with 48 horsepower. It comes with a trolling motor, a new steering wheel and other new parts. Asking for $5,800. 712-461-1451

Two 32” left hand swing interior doors. They come with jams; 5 horsepower presser washer that comes with a Honda motor. Asking for $150; 2005 Harley Davidson Road King. Asking for $6,500 obo. 470-0985

1994 Sea Ray boat. Asking for $6,000. It comes with a 2002 Shore Lander trailer. 712-470-3597


A dozen sheep. 441-2047

Butchered chickens if anyone has them for sale in the area. 712-389-8738

A roll bar that is red in color and a white shade to go with it for an IH 766, or 966 tractor; 16-foot cattle feed bunk. 540-7479

Knowledge Nugget:

Researchers are reminding us that eating highly processed foods leads to weight gain.


KIWA Marketplace for December 17

For Sale: Small square hay bales, small square straw bales, firewood, 5-ton wagon gear and a 1983 Ford van. 712-344-9185 Alfalfa

KIWA Marketplace for December 13

For Marketplace Plus: Handmade creche For Sale: Concertina. Also for sale, a brown Lazy Boy rocker/recliner. 712-472-3811 Six miniature Australian Shepherd

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