KIWA Marketplace For May 4th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:

good pint and quart canning jars .Asking $2.00 for pints and $3.00 for quarts. 712-630-0316 @ Primghar

Handmade Wahoo/Aggravation board games (4,6, and 8-player available) — 712-578-1897

2006 Yukon Denali in nice shape leather seats,DVD player, sunroof new transmission at 150,000 miles more newer parts batteries, AC lines — 712-470-0464

Barbie big wheel with lights & sounds.-Tag-a-long (or also called a co-pilot) for behind an adult bike — 712-451-9294

chicken cages for backyard egg layers — 712-470-0348

Backyard Dura Cord Hammock (stand 13′ long) – $50, Camelot vinyl arbor 7′ tall – $75. Indigo dog house by Petmate Medium (for a 25-50# dog) – $40. Nipco heater w/thermostat 150,000 btu – $50 — 712-348-2069

2017 Yamaha Zuma moped 50cc. 939 local one owner miles. Excellent condition — 712-348-1466

asparagus and rhubarb — 612-718-5351

nipco heater it’s a ready heater brand has 40000 btu – $50, a smaller too chest – $25 — 712-470 5472

2009 Ford Escape limited fully loaded auto start 118,000 miles red new tires — $6,000 – call Text 712-324-1256

28′ aluminum extension ladder duty rating 2 (250 lb capacity) — $150.00 712-324-1500


good used smaller car with 4 doors for $500 or less — 712-363-6573

dog grooming table — 712-441-3400

looking for small engine repair jobs. I fix lawnmowers, chainsaws, weedtrimmers, etc. I also sharpen chainsaw blades — 712-578-1897

garden tilling jobs — 712-230-0504 (call or text)

Garden tilling jobs — 712-395-1724



KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

KIWA Marketplace for March 4th

For Sale: Fire starters, fishing sinkers and glass insulators for phone polls. 324-3005 Wanted: PTO pump. 712-461-1451 Knowledge Nugget: A survey

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