For Marketplace Plus:
Two 9×7 wood insulated garage doors
For Sale:

7-foot galvanized water tank. It is in good shape. 712-470-0348
Steel wheel running gear with metal flare box. It has been repainted and has a wood tongue. Asking for $300. 507-360-0654
2002 GMC gas pickup. It is a regular cab with an 8-foot box. It has 153,000 miles on it, has a clean body, no rust and it was just serviced. Asking for $7,600. 507-360-0654
20 good Morgan silver dollars. 395-0165
Marcum LX 9 Fish Finder for ice fishing. It is in excellent condition. 470-1065
Good used gun collection and a 7 1/4″ Stetson cowboy hat. 395-1065
Knowledge Nugget:
A study finds that people working extra hours are likelier to drink more.