For Sale:

TV that is still in the box. It is 19″. Call 324-4983, if we are not home just leave a message.
Ashley couch for $100 that is rust colored; Ashley coffee table and end table for $100; Samsung washer that is front load and comes with a stand for $200. 712-541-8727
Boston Terrier puppy. 712-330-5138
Older gliding horse. It is a trail horse and it is 100 percent grounded. Call 541-4991 and leave a message.
14 HP garden tractor. It comes with a snow blower, deck and push blade. 230-0060
27 gold pieces and 250 Morgan silver dollars. 395-0165
4 LED light bulbs. Asking for $21 a piece. For more information call 712-330-3401
Walk behind snow blower. It is in good condition. Asking for $200 obo. 540-7479
26″ girls’ bike. Asking for $40. 540-4331
Lost and Found:
Lost: Full box of Musky lures as well as the box on Highway 60 Saturday morning between Alton and Sibley. If found and returned a reward will be given. Call 348-3278
Knowledge Nugget:
A study revealed that 82 percent of people in the U.S. killed by lightning are male. The experts consulted say this is due to behavioral, rather than biological factors.