KIWA Marketplace for September 29, 2023

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3, and Streamed Live on our website, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page. No real estate, including real estate rentals, and handguns.


45 cup Hamilton Beach coffee pot 441-3400  

Men’s size 9 1/2 black dress shoes 441-3400 

For sale Moultrie trail camera with stand 712 360 0337

For Rent Winter Boat or Camper storage 712 360 0337 

Snow blower for John Deere garden tractor #318, 230-0060 

Yamaha Zuma moped 470-0985 


Several 8wk old farm kittens. 712 230 2229 


Office chairs on roller 470-0985 


Yes, you can microwave corn on the cob! Here’s how.  


Rinse the corn, husk still intact, under running water and place in microwave.

1 ear – 4 minutes
2 ears – 6 minutes
3 ears – 8 minutes
4 ears – 10 minutes

Allow the corn to cool untouched after cooking for about 2-3 minutes.
Cut about 1 inch off of the end of the corn that has a stub. Don’t cut the end with the silk showing.
Grab the end of the corn with the silk and pull it away, shaking it gently if needed to begin the process.


KIWA Marketplace for March 12th

From Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs FOR SALE: 55 gallon steel barrels – 712-324-4871 IH #470 Disk, 19-feet wide with newer

KIWA Marketplace for March 11th

From Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs FOR SALE: Mature Muskovy ducks and Buff Orphington roosters – 712-470-0348 WANTED TO BUY: 1

KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

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