KIWA Marketplace For September 30, 2022

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page. No real estate, including real estate rentals, and handguns.

For Sale:

Pond Equipment: Pond Filter; Pump And Foundation Head; 9 Goldfish / Koi 6″ To 8″; Fish Food; 2 Nets; Pond Heater, $100. Located In Sheldon. — Call Or Text 712-348-1282

Kenmore Large Dorm Fridge, Seperate Freezer And Freidge Compartments, Very Clean On Inside And Works Great, $75 obo. — 712-240-4781

Industrial Serger Sewing Machine. — 712-324-1350

Wooden Cattle Self Feeder; (6) Large Grass Round Bales. — 712-400-0162

Dewalt Drill, DW106K, Drill Bit Set, Screwdriver Bit, 2 Wood Bits, $80; New RV Supplies In Mint Condition, Everything Needed To Get Started Or Go RV’ing Full Time, $300 — 712-737-4092

Manual Tire Changer, $10. — 712-348-0463

2 Inch Receiver Hitch With 2 Inch Ball, $25 obo; Remington Crimping Curling Iron, $25 obo; Wireless Temp And Raing Gauge, $30 obo. — Call Or Text 712-470-5472

Give Away:

Corn Crib, Located In Rural Granville, You Remove. — 712-540-3754


KIWA Marketplace for March 10th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captain’s chairs For Sale: 55-gallon steel barrels. 712-324-4871 Bearcat #950 grinder/mixer. It is in excellent shape and

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

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