KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
Collection of Seraphim Classics Angels with music boxes. Like new condition – $13 each — 507-360-0654
Instant Ace Nova Blender High powered blender You can use it also cook soups in it Has a heating element built In Brand new Got it for a gift Don’t need it Sells for over $100.00 l want $75.00 or make me offer 712-461-0268
Juiceman juicer From sears Good condition Works good $35.00 or offer 712-461-0268
Sudenga Grain Auger 61’x 8″ in diameter with hydraulic lift – $900 OBO — 712-540-7479
90 Bales of small square oat straw – $4/bale , 100 bales of small square alfalfab- – $200/ton– 712-540-7479
Puppies, Will be 8 weeks and ready for their new homes on October 26th. Puppies will be dewormed, receive all age appropriate vaccinations and be checked with a health certificate. Located near Sheldon. Please Text 712-631-0602 for information
Wood Desks — 712-389-4440
4 – Used Michelin LTX A/T2 tires, LT265/70R18, Load Range E, $200/set, Text or Phone: 712-229-4401
chickens big standard roosters and some bantams roosters and hens call 712 470 0464
muscovy ducks call 712 470 0348
Chromecraft table with 18 in leaf, 4 roller chairs, 24 in roll top desk, Iron bench brown in color 348-5580
ceramic tile 3/8 thick, 6″ wide , 2ft long, gray/brown in color, $2/ea brand new in box, 26 boxes of 12 — 476-5879
500 bushel demco gravity wagon, 8 ton westendorf running gear — 540-7479
Used storm door, Used heat lamps or electric heater for garage, Call 712-305-5464
Pickup washer and dryer to dispose 712-348-3974
Cardboard Egg Cartons, old candles — 712-324-3005
2 power glide drills and 3 batteries you need a charger 712 461 2060
Garage Sale: