KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am
Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email
All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page

For Sale:
Collection of Seraphim Classics Angels with music boxes. Like new condition – $15 each — 507-360-0654
Blue Lift Chair -$500, Pre- lit tree & foot soaker make a offer, Queen size bed make a offer, Matching chest of drawers make a offer, Large dresser with mirror make a offer, Night stand make a offer, Microwave make a offer, Card table with 4 chairs make a offer, Paper shredder & iron make a offer, Side sleeper pillow & leg pillow make a offer, Small garbage can and kitchen size garbage can, End table make a offer, 2 throw blankets. Matching chest of drawers – Make a offer — 712-541-9732
4 player, 6 player, 8 player wahoo board games. Hand made, sanded, dark and light stained. Come with marbles and dice. Great gift idea! — (712) 578-1897
Sudenga Grain Auger 8 in in diameter 61′ long hydraulic lift and hopper – $900 OBO — 712-540-7479
6′ scraper blade 3 point — 712-720-7490
Thompson Muzzleloader, BDC retticle scope — 712-348-3509
ladies casual winter coat in excellent shape — 712-324-2812
Husqvarna 2017 zero turn 48″ lawn mower, 1 year left on warranty – $3300 — 712-461-0077
Extra lead for reloading bird shot shells — 712-470-0985
80-100 gallon fuel barrel for back of pickup with 12 volt pump — 712-540-7479
If you are in need of any small engine repair,. Snowblowers, lawn mowers, weed trimmers, chainsaws, leaf blowers, chainsaw chain sharpening — 712-578-1897
Garage Sale:
Friday 4-8, Sat 9-4, mostly tools, few misc items like bikes lawn chairs 1545 E 4th Street, north of east of elementary in Sheldon