Marketplace for June 16, 2022

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am

Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page


For Sale:

8 1/2 month blue Merle, male Frenchton (French Bulldog / Boston Terrier) $300. — 712-260-7887

2 year old female Weimaraner. $50 — 712-461-2122

42 inch Kubota lawn mower; Tires: 265 75R 16; Firewood; Husqvarna push mower with bagger. — 712-461-1761

1992 electric Easy Go golf cart, batteries in good condition, windshield, top, ball washer, divot repair container; Storage cover and a Battery charger. Asking $775. — 712-324-1878

Free standing air conditioner with remote, vents out the window, only used for 3 months, $150. — 712-461-2059



Basketball backboard with 18 inch rim. — 712-348-2354

Outdoor dog kennel, chain-link type that is able to sit on concrete. — 712-348-4991


Garage / Moving Sales:

Boyden — Kids clothes and shoes. Lots of Misc. Today, Friday, and Saturday 8am – 5pm. 3231 Kennedy Ave. 1/4 mile south of Hwy 18.

Sanborn — 3075 Roosevelt, 1 1/4 miles north of Prairieview on Hwy 59

Sanborn — Everything for everyone. Today 8am-6pm, Friday 10am-6pm. 402 Carroll St.



KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

KIWA Marketplace for March 4th

For Sale: Fire starters, fishing sinkers and glass insulators for phone polls. 324-3005 Wanted: PTO pump. 712-461-1451 Knowledge Nugget: A survey

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