KIWA Marketplace

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3, & Streamed Live on Our Website, Monday through Friday from 9:00am-9:15am

Have an item you’d like to place on the Marketplace?

Call during the program at 712.324.5377 , text 712.324.2597, or email

All items and garage sales called/texted/emailed in will be added to this web page. No real estate, including real estate rentals, and handguns.


KIWA Marketplace for February 20th

For Sale:

55-gallon steel barrels. Also for sale, and outdoor garden bench made out of pellet wood. 712-324-4871

Alfalfa hay. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. Can deliver, or you can come pick it up. Can negotiate on the price. 540-7479

Small square grass hay bales, small square straw bales, firewood and 5-ton wagon gear with new implementation tires. 712-344-9185


1, or 2 14″ bias ply tires. 712-461-1741

Side dump work. Mostly manure, gravel, rock, cement hauling as well as livestock hauling. 712-330-9417

Hay manger/feeder on wheels. Should be 16 feet, or longer and in good shape. 540-7479

Knowledge Nugget:

Two out of three dog and cat owners say they let their pets sleep in the same bed as them. The same people were also asked about who is more disturbing to their sleep: pets, or their significant other. Overall, 51 percent said it was their significant other that was more disturbing while 38 percent blamed their pet.

KIWA Marketplace for February 19th

For Marketplace Plus:

Women’s Columbia coat with Omni heat.

Ab lounger2

Two trail cameras

For Sale:

Small square grass hay bales, small square straw bales, firewood and 5-ton wagon gear with new implement tires. 1-712-344-9185

55-gallon steel barrels. 324-1015

Parts for #220 Rotar Spreader. They are three chains thar are in good shape. Asking for $600. 540-7479


Hay manger/feeder on wheels. Should be 16 feet, or longer and in good shape. 540-7479

Knowledge Nugget:

The back seat of your car may tell women everything they need to know about you, before they ever get in.

According to a survey, women often interpret a cluttered back seat as evidence that a man has certain personality traits, including disorganization and irresponsibility.

The back seat crud test is said to work equally well for men and women. In both cases, a sloppy car could mean a sloppy lifestyle.

KIWA Marketplace for February 18th

For Marketplace Plus:

Women’s Columbia coat with omni heat. Size small

Ab lounger2

Two trail cameras

For Sale:

55-gallon steel barrels. 324-1015

Parts for #220 Rotar Spreader. They are three chains that are in good shape. 540-7479

Knowledge Nugget:

Little Debbie turns 65 today. More than 150 billion Little Debbie snacks have been sold since the brand was introduced in 1960. Little Debbie, whose picture is often featured on products, was a real little girl and the granddaughter pf O.D. and Ruth McKee who are the founders of McKee Foods. A family bakery.

KIWA Marketplace for February 17

For Marketplace Plus:

Two trail cameras.

For Sale:

9.6 cubic foot Kenmore refrigerator/freezer. 712-324-4220

Alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cutting. Just good, quality hay. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. Also for sale, two small gravity wagons. Both hold close to 200 bushels, come with 8-ton gears and are both in decent shape. One is a Daikon brand and the other is a Parker brand. Asking for $700 each obo. Also for sale, two walk-behind snowblowers. One is 3 1/2 HP and is 20″ wide. The other is 5 HP and is 24″ wide. One comes with an electric start. Asking $20 each obo. 540-7479


Net wrap for round bales. Preferably John Deere brand or New Holland brand, but will consider other brands just as long as they are in good shape. Also wanted, a set of rear tractor tires for duals. Should have at least 50 percent tread left. Size should be 18 X 4 X 38. Can be bias, or radio. 540-7479

Knowledge Nugget:

The average adult man has enough fat to make seven cakes of soap, phosphorus for 2,000 match heads, carbon for 8,500 pencils, enough iron to make one nail and enough water to fill a 12-gallon barrel.

KIWA Marketplace for February 14th

For Sale:

9.6 cubic feet Kenmore refridgerator/freezer. 712-324-4220

Multiple items. Alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuttings available. Just good, quality hay. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. Also for sale, two gravity wagons. Both hold close to 200 bushels, come with 8-ton gears and are both in decent shape. One is a Dakon brand and the other is a Parker brand. Asking for $700 each obo. Finally for sale, two walk-behind snowblowers. One is a 3 1/2 HP and is 20″ wide. The other is 5 HP with an electric start. Asking $20 obo. 540-7479


Multiple items. First off net wrap for round bales. Preferably John Deere brand, or New Holland brand but will consider other brands just as long as they are in good shape. The other wanted items are rear tractor tires for duals. Should have at least 50 percent tread left. Size should be 18x4x38. Can be bias, or radio. 540-7479

Foodie Friday:

It’s National Cream-Filled Chocolate Day!

Here are a few facts about cream-filled chocolates:

  1. They were first made in the 17th century, more specifically in 1912 by a Belgian chocolatier
  2. At that time the chocolates contained a variety of fillings, including liquerurs, marzipan, fruits and caramel
  3. Cream-filled chocolates were often sold in gift boxes

KIWA Marketplace for February 13th

For Sale:

Alfalfa hay. 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuttings. Good, quality hay. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. Also for sale, two gravity wagons. Both hold close to 200 bushels. They also come with 8-ton gears and are both in decent shape. One is a Dakon brand and the other is a Parker brand. Asking for $700 each obo. 540-7479


Net wrap for round bale hay. Preferably John Deere, or New Holland brands, but will consider other brands just as long as they are in good shape. 540-7479


Two male puppies. They are Mini Augie mix and are about 3 1/2 months old. Call 712-541-4991 and located near Boyden.

Knowledge Nugget:

Freshwater lakes, some the size of the Great Lakes, are buried under two or more miles of ice in Antartica.

KIWA Marketplace for February 12th

For Marketplace Plus:

Toro snowblower

For Sale:

Sue brand round bale feeder. It is a couple of months old and is 8 feet in diameter. Also for sale, round hay bales. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cuttings available. Just good, quality hay. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. 540-7479


Two male puppies. Mini Auggie mix. They are about 3 1/2 months old. 712-541-4991 and located near Boyden.

Knowledge Nugget:

Scientists say pigeons can understand up to 60 words.

KIWA Marketplace for February 10th

For Marketplace Plus:

4-, 6-, and 8-playher wahoo board games

Ford Tractor

4.5-foot octagon tiki bar

Eskimo 2-man thermal ice shack

For Sale:

Telephone glass insulators. 324-3005. If there is no answer, please leave a message.

2004 Polaris 500. It comes with a wretch and a snowplow on it. It also comes with a set of chains, cover and ramps for loading on a pickup. Asking for $2,900. 507-227-8110

2012 Yamaha Roadster Silverado S 1700. Only 10,345 miles on it. This has been gone through thoroughly and it was just serviced, oil just changed, front a rear new brake pads last year and the transmission oil has been changed. New front tire as well in the last 100 miles and a new rear tire a year and a half ago. Asking for $7,650 obo. Call 712-578-1897


50-gallon fuel transfer tank with pump. 712-348-0463

KIWA Marketplace for February 7th

For Marketplace Plus:

Ford Tractor

Tiki bar

Eskimo 2-man thermal ice shack

Antique black cast iron cook stove

BBQ wood smoker and grill

For Sale:

2012 Yamaha Roadstar Silverado S 1700. This is a very clean and low mileage bike!   Only 10,345 miles!  This has been gone through thoroughly and just serviced, oil changed, front and rear new brake pads last year,  and transmission oil changed.  New front tire in the last 100 miles, and new  rear tire a year and half ago.  It has plenty of room in the felt lined bags for what you need, and a custom painted to match trunk that can fit 2 helmets side by side, or any leather coats you got.  This has been kept clean and under a cover in storage for it’s life..  Comes with a removable driver’s backrest, and a Bose stereo system on the front handle bars that is Bluetooth, and a chrome drink holder.   Has front triple tree light setup and a new led headlight.  There is white ground effect lights on the bike all around for a very cool look at night..  Has Cobra dual straight pipes and sounds awesome! Has a custom crash bar with chrome foot pegs and front and rear flat foot boards.  Waxed, Polished, and ready to go!    Asking $7,650.00 o.b.o.   Call 712-578-1897

Construction tools and construction supplies starting today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and continuing tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The location is Uittenbogaard Construction at 500 North 2nd Ave. in Sheldon. It is across the road of east Hills Park.


Old Maytag washing machines. 712-441-3129

Foodie Friday:

It’s National Bubble Gum Day!

Here are a few facts about bubble gum:

  1. Walter Diemer of the Fleer Company invented bubble gum
  2. The first batch of bubble gum was pink, because that was the only food coloring at the time.
  3. Sugarless bubble gum was introduced in the 1950s

KIWA Marketplace for February 6th

For Marketplace Plus:

Antique black cast iron cook stove.

BBQ wood smoker and grill

Large hot tub

Giveaway: Queen headboard and footboard

2014 H & H tandem axel cargo trailer

For Sale:

14-foot fishing boat. It comes with a 15 HP Johnson and a trailer that has new tires and wheels. Asking for $1,200. Also for sale, a log spreader. Asking for $350. 712-330-2742

Three $20 gold pieces. 395-0165

Alfalfa round bales. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cuts available. Can sell by the bale, or by the ton. Asking for $120 by the ton obo. 540-7479

Construction tools and construction supplies starting tomorrow, February 7th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and again Saturday, February 8th, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The location is Uittenbogaard Construction at 500 North 2nd Ave. in Sheldon. It is across the road of east Hills Park.


Old Maytag washing machines. 712-441-3129

Gun collection. 395-0165

Knowledge Nugget:

Some people actually have better than 20/20 vision. For example, it someone has 20/15 vision, this means that that person could be at 20 feet to see an object whereas normal people would have to be at 15 feet to see the same object.