113th National Cattle Congress wraps up fair season

IARN — Wrapping up County Fair and Festival season in Iowa and what a fitting grand finale. One of the most traditional events is the National Cattle Congress. The 113th National Cattle Congress runs through Sunday on the north side of Waterloo and Jim Koch, General Manager, says they have as you’d expect a lot going on.

For more on this story, visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.



Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And

Local News

Larchwood Dairy Gets $100,000 Grant

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig has announced that 15 Iowa dairy projects have been awarded Choose Iowa Dairy Innovation Grants. And