IARN — Some farmers in Iowa have already started their 2020 harvest, while others aren’t far behind. Crop insurance could come into play for a lot of producers, and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is helping answer your questions.
ISU Extension farm management specialist Tim Christensen says extension staff has been out talking with producers to make sure they understand how their insurance works, and also letting them know how they can take advantage of insurance opportunities.
“It’s really important that they understand they need to be talking with their crop insurance agents and adjusters, and understanding how that insurance works and when they will be in the money and when they are not,” Christensen said.
Speaking of the drought issues in Iowa, most areas of the state received decent rain showers last week. Christensen believes it won’t make much of a difference.
“Unfortunately, I think it’s too late for a majority of the crop,” he said. “Most of the crop had already moved past the point where it’s going to help. We will always take the moisture. You never turn it down. There is a small percentage out there it will help, but I think it will be a challenging year with the low test weights and quality issues. It’s going to be a challenging harvest, but we’re Iowa farmers and we’ll figure it out and get it done.”
Christensen can be reached by calling 641-747-2276. He serves Region 2 for ISU Extension which includes Audubon, Calhoun, Carroll, Crawford, Greene, Guthrie, Harrison, Ida, Monona, Sac, and Shelby counties.
Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.
Photo by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach