Crop Report Says Dry Conditions Persist, Crops Still Pretty Good

Statewide Iowa — While some areas got rain in with Monday’s severe weather, that is not reflected yet on this week’s crop report — and the main news on the report was the continued dry conditions in Iowa.

Greg Thessen with the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service tells us about the arid weather. He says we are approaching dry conditions as dry as three years ago.

(as said:) “Most of Iowa saw little to no rain as farmers had six-point four days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 9th, 2020, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork activities for the week continued to be spraying, harvesting hay, and grain movement. Topsoil moisture condition rated 22% very short, 39 percent short, 39% adequate, and one percent surplus. For the first time since the week ending September 17. 2017 the state’s topsoil moisture condition rated over half short to very short. Subsoil moisture condition rated 16 percent very short, 37% short,  46% adequate, and one percent surplus. This was the first time since the week ending October 1st, 2017 that the state subsoil moisture condition rated over half short to very short.”

Thessen says that for the most part, corn and soybeans are still looking good.

(as said:) “Corn was 66% in the dough stage or beyond, 12 days ahead of the previous year and five days ahead of the five-year average. Corn at the dent stage reached nine percent, which is over a week ahead of the previous year, but just one day ahead of the average. Corn condition fell to 69 percent good to excellent. Soybeans were 94% blooming or beyond, four days ahead of average. Soybeans setting pods are two weeks ahead of last year and a week ahead of average at 83 percent. Soybean condition fell to seventy percent good to excellent.”

He tells us about other crops, hay, and pasture conditions.

(As said:) “Oats harvested for grain was 94% complete, six days ahead of last year and four days ahead of average. Second cutting of alfalfa hay was 94% complete, five days ahead of last year, but equal to the five-year average. The third cutting was 37 percent complete, 10 days ahead of the previous year, but equal to average. Hay condition continued to decline and stood at 60 percent good to excellent, while pasture condition fell to 37% good to excellent.”

Click here for the full crop report.



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