Don’t expect any drought busting before harvest

IARN — The dry conditions that have persisted through the Northwestern Cornbelt have been a nuisance, to say the least. They have been devastating to say the most. While we have been getting some rains that have been beneficial, it may be too little too late for the corn, but right on time for the soybeans. The best we can hope for with the corn is that things don’t get worse. Weak stands and small ears from tip back have been seen in various parts of the western cornbelt. That’s not to say there aren’t some good fields out there, but they are going to be fewer.

While the rains are helping, don’t expect the drought to be over just yet.

Dennis Todey is a meteorologist and Director of the Midwest Climate Hub in Ames. He says there is still dryness to contend with, despite the late rains.

For more on this story, visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Photo by Jeremy Miner



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