IDALS working to better water quality in Iowa

IARN — When we discuss water quality, we talk about all the efforts it takes to make improvements. However, these improvements aren’t cheap, and they have to be profitable for producers and cities to survive. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) is again working to address these needs in a way that is efficient, responsible, and effective.

Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig tells us about some urban water quality projects that IDALS is funding to help. Naig also talks about field days that are available for farmers to get more information on these initiatives.

For more on this story visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig 5-16-22/ IARN Stock Photo



Local News

Unemployment rate drops in April

The April unemployment rate dropped to two-point-eight percent compared to two-point-nine percent in March. Iowa Workforce Development director, Beth Townsend, says