Iowans raise concerns over CO2 pipelines

IARN — We have been talking for over a year about the proposed carbon capture and sequestration pipelines proposed to be built around Iowa. We have heard about the goals these projects have for the environment, and how they hope to be able to turn CO2 into something useful in the future.

These are goals that many agree are noble as we look for ways to deal with CO2 levels. However, there are Iowans out there who are opposed to these pipelines and say that the projects will do more environmental harm than good. A group of these people met Tuesday at the Iowa Utilities Board meeting in Des Moines and raised their concerns over these projects.

Jessica Mazour is with the Iowa Chapter of the Sierra Club, and she tells us why they felt it necessary to speak out. She talks about the dangers they see in this kind of system…………..

For more on this story visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

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