Is Another Round Of Aid Coming?

IARN — It has been over two months since the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed through the House of Representatives and was signed by President Trump. It has been almost two months since people started seeing economic stimulus funds going into their bank accounts.

Life is slowly getting back to normal, depending on your location. However, many are saying that there is still a need for one more round of assistance. Farmers are starting to see their checks coming from the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), but there is still a lot of help needed in agriculture as well. The question is, “Will there be more help coming?”

Signs and rumblings in D.C. are pointing to the possibility of another pandemic aid package possibly coming in July. Farmers and ranchers around the country say they are still needing that help. Away from agriculture, jobless benefits will run out next month, and cities and states are facing budget shortfalls. This is not just a rural or urban issue. American Farm Bureau’s Andrew Walmsley talks about the slow reopening process that is going on around the country.

For more on this story, including audio comments from Andrew Walmsly, visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.e



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