Latest Crop Report Shows 76 Percent Of Northwest Iowa Corn Is Silking

Northwest Iowa — Despite dry conditions, the below average temperatures last week provided moisture-stressed crops some relief.

Kevin Sullivan with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service’s Iowa Field Office tells us more.

Sullivan tells us about crop maturity in Iowa.

In our area here in northwest Iowa, the report says 76 percent of corn is silking, 20 percent is in the dough stage. They say 82 percent of soybeans are blooming and 36 percent of beans are setting pods.

Moisture-wise, 57 percent of our topsoil is rated short or very short, with 42 percent adequate, and one percent surplus. Further below, a similar story is told, with subsoil moisture in northwest Iowa rated 64 percent short or very short, 35 percent adequate, and one percent surplus.



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