Magistrate Favors USDA, Beef Councils, In R-CALF Lawsuit

(IARN) — A decision in lawsuit against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and multiple state beef checkoff’s favor the federal programs. The lawsuit, filed by R-CALF, claims there is a lack of oversight in state beef councils. However, a magistrate decision sided with USDA and the state organizations earlier this week. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association CEO Collin Woodall says the decision “was a crucial step toward ensuring state beef councils retain the important ability to direct their investments at the grassroots level.”

The decision of the magistrate judge will now be forwarded to the federal district court for a final ruling. It could continue to be appealed by either party after the district court judge issues an opinion, a process that will continue over the next several months or longer, and appeals are expected. NCBA credits a recent memorandum of understanding between the state groups and USDA that reaffirms a commitment to transparent oversight for the court decision.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

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