Meatless Golden Globes Shows Farmers Need To Keep Advocating

(IARN) — It is no secret that many celebrities use their star power to advocate for whatever cause they feel needs their attention. There was no shortage of pontification on Sunday night as the Golden Globes were handed out. While we saw the usual political statements being made, there was also an all-out attack on animal agriculture in this country. It shows that farmers need to be advocating better for themselves.

The Golden Globes featured a completely meatless menu for the event. A move that was applauded by nominated actor Joaquin Phoenix. Phoenix even compared eating meat to smoking cigarettes.

Hannah Thompson-Weeman is the Vice President of the Animal Ag Alliance, she says the Golden Globes was just the latest in an all-out assault on animal agriculture.

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Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Photo courtesy of David Mack through Pixabay



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