IARN — The latest chapter in the proposed Mexican ban on GMO corn unfolded last week. The Mexican government says that it will back off on the GMO ban for yellow corn, but will keep it in place for white corn. However, they want to see an open transition to non-GMO yellow corn over the next few years. Mexico’s move was hoped to appease corn growers and supporters in the United States. GMO corn accounts for 97% of the corn we export to that country.
Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig talked with IARN last week. He voiced his continued displeasure with the Mexican proposal, no matter what changes were made. He said there was no improvement in the situation. In fact, he said this whole stance is a blatant violation of the USMCA trade agreement and Mexico is purposely trying to upend the lives of American corn producers.
For more on this story visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.
Image: 3d rendering of an United States of America and Mexico flag waving