New Granular nitrogen management tool helps producers cut costs

IARN — If you haven’t been talking about the hottest topic in agriculture, right now, you might want to think about it. Nitrogen has been at the top of everyone’s mind heading into the 2022 growing season. Management of this element is very important if you intend to be successful in 2022. Especially at the high prices we are seeing. Don’t you want to look at a field and say, “Hey, I don’t have to put as much on these acres, then if I had just done a broad application.”? So, what should you be thinking about for this year?

Anthony Lackore is with Corteva, and he lays out their program, through Granular, to help farmers increase their nitrogen management capabilities. It uses crop optimization to pinpoint what you need on which acres. Lackore likens it to how we used to navigate directions compared with now.

For more on this story, visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Image courtesy of Granular



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